
Rmschools Banner

RM@School 3.0 and 4.0 is a Wider Society Learning project, focused on an innovative program to make science education and careers in RM attractive for youngsters. An active learning approach will be proposed to schools by RM Ambassadors (experts in some RM-related issues and trained teachers) by involving students in experiments with RM-related hands-on educational kits, in excursions in industries, and in science dissemination activities. The students will be asked to become Young RM Ambassadors themselves (science communicators) and to create dissemination products focused on issues related to RM (i.e. videos, cards, comics, etc). In addition, teachers will be trained to become RM Ambassadors themselves in the future at school, and selected groups of students will be trained on digital competence and video making and/or on activities suitable to be proposed during Public Events in order to work together with RM Ambassadors.

Project website: https://rmschools.isof.cnr.it/

Supported By Rm Academy Eu H2020 Color V2
EIT Raw Materials (Europäische Union)
01.01.2018 – 31.12.2023
Kontakt Lea Daling, M.Sc.Forschungsgruppenleiterin
D 2.24
+49 241 80 91140
