
A new culture of transfer and action is needed to close the gap between innovative results of labor research and practical implementation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).

Intermediary organizations, such as associations or trade union advice centers, can help in this process. As central actors in knowledge transfer, they reach a large number of SMEs, but often have little access to the scientific knowledge themselves. Therefore, WIN:A aims at developing a demand-oriented and holistic transfer concept. In addition to regional competence centers, this will enable actors in intermediary organizations and SMEs in particular to tap the potential of work research for location promotion. WIN:A supports them in building up corresponding innovative and sustainable transfer structures and networks, thus enabling sustainable and comprehensive access of labor research to SMEs in the coal regions.

Project Management
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Innovationen für die Arbeit
Consortium leader
IMA - Informationsmanagement im Maschinenbau
Project partner
Institut für Betriebsführung im Deutschen Handwerksinstitut e.V. (itb)
Beratungsstelle für Technologiefolgen und Qualifizierung (BTQ Kassel) im ver.di Bildungswerk Hessen e.V.
Stiftung "Mittelstand - Gesellschaft - Verantwortung" (OM)
Funding bodies
01.10.2021 30.09.2026